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Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday June 7th. Day 20

This morning we expected heavy rains from the tropical storm. The worst part was that for the day, there was only 1 gym available for us to use. The other gyms had basketball and wrestling. To rephrase my previous point, the entire corps had to share 1 gym. As in all of the color guard, the battery, the front ensemble, and the whole brass line. Basically the staff fought to the death for the gym. On the schedule above, the brass were to somehow practice in the dorms. Sectionals in the bathrooms, etc. the guard snagged the gym. And the battery simply had a location of "OMG."

This morning we woke up expecting an awful day of sectionals. But it never started to rain. The brass started playing outside and we changed/adjusted music. We also practiced the encore tunes. We will be having our preseason recording after lunch. 

Baritones practicing their feature and choreography in the center of the brass circle. (Chill time for us:))

More of the circle during brass. 

It's lunch time right now. Still not raining. The next sentence will be an update at dinner. 

It's dinner time. I got burnt. Yes. My body is burnt. My skin is burnt. Michael Klesch took out is shotgun and shot a hole through the tropical storm. There was sun today. And I got burnt. It was great. 

It's 8:30 at night. We are done with rehearsal for the night. We finished learning the drill for the show. It's done. Time to work it to perfection. 

Anddd I just got a buzz cut. Before and after


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