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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday July 6th. Day 49

Huge show in Denver's Mile High Stadium tonight! My father's side of the family will be at the show tonight! I can't wait to see them!! The show is supposed to be spectacular. Over 10,000 people will be in the stands. It is also being broadcasted live on the DCI fan network! 

I love Denver. 

Downtown Denver!!!!!

The stadium!!!

This show was absolutely amazing. I've never performed like that anywhere! It's so hard to believe it will get any better!

Lynette, Denise, Craig, Nick, and kids... Thank you for coming to see me tonight!!! It was a great feeling to be on the field knowing you guys were watching. 

To mom, dad, Allie, Kim, and mom2, thanks for watching online at home!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday July 5th. Day 48

We arrived in Douglas, Wyoming this
morning around 5:30 am. 

We have a show in Casper tonight.  

Today after rehearsal, one of the founding fathers of DCI, Gene Monterastelli, came to talk to us. He lives here in Wyoming and was with the Troopers when they started to tour the country. He helped build DCI into what it is today. He has seen the transformation of drum corps from numerous local corps to the few world class corps there are today. 

Driving to the show in Casper. I don't know why anyone would want to live here. 

Great show tonight. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thursday. Independence Day. Day 47

Parade this morning somewhere in Utah. Basically they just tell us to get on the bus and we arrive somewhere and do what they tell us to do. 

The parade was lots of fun! It was in Provo, Utah. The mountains are beautiful here. 

Pictures from the parade today!!!
I'm in there somewhere

From the rehearsal field. Absolutely beautiful. 

Giant lake about two miles away from our housing site. 

The sunset on the 4th of July in Highland, Utah. 

Shout out to Matthew Abraham's grandmother!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday July 3rd. Day 46

UTAH!!! Show day!!

Today is my half birthday! I just realized... 
I put in a new set of invasilign braces today. My teeth are looking straighter. !

This morning at 6am, Matt Harloff took a dozen of us on a 5 mile run up the mountain. It was absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad I woke up (very) early to do it. 
Here are pictures. 
Heading towards the canyon on the right of the picture. 
Matt Harloff. 
The Carolina Crown Cross Country team!!
Ran back to the school and went to McDonald's and got breakfast. Cory puked his out during visual block. 

Show day!!!!! I'm on the way to a show in Odgen, Utah tonight. 

The crowd tonight. And our 3 drum majors. 
Parking lot at the show sight. The mountains are beautiful. 
Our guard practicing after our performance
Blue devils after their performance. 

Carolina Crown on the field in Odgen, Utah. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday July 2nd. Day 45

Somewhere in Utah. It's beautiful here at 5am. There is a McDonald's and a Walmart literally across the street. 

This place requires shirts. UGH

It was 100 degrees today. I thought it was around 80. I guess I'm getting immune to heat. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday July 1st. Day 44

Las Vegas!!!!!
We got here at 3am and it was 94 degrees. It's supposed to get up to 112 today. 

Today's schedule... Practice for a while in small sectionals. Then FRee DAY!!!

Free day in Las Vegas. First thing I did with Alex Overton and Alex Szabo: pay $50 each and eat at the buffet in Caesars palace. Amazing

I have a !@$% load of pictures. 
I saw literally 20 of these in just a couple hours. Notice the phone number... 
This building is owned by the #purplepantsband. 

I have a lot more pictures.