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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday July 27. Day 71

Memorial stadium in Charlotte. 
We rehearsed here today!
For the entire morning it poured rain. We had a long subsectional block in a parking garage. One section per floor! It was cool! Lots of fans were watching us!

Tonight is a TOC show and we go on last. It is also Crown's home show! 
There is a banquet for (I'm assuming) Crown Alumni. 

Amazing home show. I love everyone in Charlotte. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday July 26. Day 70

My tan got scraped off!! 

Here is how the morning went down. 
7am. Wake up. Go outside. Learn that we don't have to put the scaffolding up because there is a box on the field! Horay!

7:20am. I'm on the toilet and I get a lovely text message that says the box is locked so we need to put up a scaffolding. 

7:26am. We haul the scaffolding a rather long distance. 

7:40am. We get to the field and my friend and I open the UNLOCKED box and walk up to the top story and wave out the window. 

7:42am. We build the scaffolding so we don't have to haul it back. 

8:04am. Finished product and 6 pusty morning scaffoldingers. 

Big show tonight in Murfreesboro, Tennessee!!!! Super excited!

Spectacular show tonight. The Crown set is in. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday July 25. Day 69

Haha.. Day 69. Hah. 
Alright now that I got that out of my system...

Still here in Alabama! Full day of rehearsal today. It's hot out and the humidity is like that of New Jersey so I feel like I'm at home. This weekend will be super exciting! Tomorrow we will be playing in Murfreesboro, Tennessee! On Friday Carolina Crown has their home show in Charlotte, North Carolina!!!!!!!!!! 
The day after we have a show in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Today during brass box, we were on a parking lot field repping the closer. During the crazy pinwheels, I was doing a 6 to 5 lateral backwards slide and my heel was too low and caught the pavement. I fell and scraped up my back. It was quite wonderful. 
Ill post a picture when it scabs over so you'll be able to see it;)

Walmart run tonight!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday July 24. Day 68

Two months and six days since I moved in with Carolina Crown. Wow. It's hard to believe I have been at it for this long. The other day I remembered that at home, sitting in my room, I have a device called a "laptop."  Haha it's funny how easily I forgot about things that I was once attached to.
 All you need is music. 

We made the show a lot better today. 

You know rehearsal is going to suck when you have to cross a bridge to get onto the field grass. 

Today was my rows turn to clean the bus. The tubas are disgusting. Clean up your crap!!!! Gosh darnit!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday July 23. Day 67

1 mile from the Gulf of Mexico... And we won't get to see it! Ahhhhhh!!!'
It's swampy here. There isn't a patch of grass that doesn't have an inch of water. 

Visual block was great. We are at the point of the season where we are so clean that if someone is literally 4 inches off of their dot, every staff member notices. Basically we are cleaning for perfection. It is awesome. I can't wait for the DVD. 

For lunch, a very nice parent bought the corps Moe's!!! We had a buffet of make your own burritos!!! We also had gallons of sweet tea and lots of cookies!!!!

Simply amazing. I love our volunteers. 

That was a sweaty afternoon rehearsal!!!!! 
Ahhh Deep South! 

Best warmup I have ever had. According to the staff, it is one of the best pre show warmups the corps has ever had. 

Best show I've ever had. It didn't matter that the stadium was tiny. It was spectacular. 

Regular sight of Mississippi. Random ponds where grass is supposed to be. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday July 22. Day 66

Lafayette is a very humid muggy place. Yuck!!!!

I got up this morning and we built the scaffolding in a swampy fire ant filled field. They didn't use the scaffolding at all. -_____-

We worked hard in ensemble today and had an amazing show tonight. 

High school kids in Lafayette made us goodie bags!! They were made perfectly. Soap, laundry pods and sheets, band aids, pop tarts, gum, etc. 
I got cookies in a bag with dryer sheets. They tasted like dryer sheets.... My throat hurts...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday July 21. Day 65

It is 1 month into "summer". 3 weeks until I will be home. 

This morning we had a short block. 
This afternoon we have laundry.
Tonight we have a TOC show. It should be fun!

It's hot and humid here. And it's only Texas. Tomorrow we will be in Louisiana. 


Great show tonight! 
Kevin and I after the show