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Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday August 2nd. Day 77

Awesome rehearsal day at University of Pennsylvania's Franklin Field. 

I love that feeling after a rehearsal day when I know that throughout every minute of the day, I gave 100% and I know that I could not have worked harder. Only 1 more rehearsal day left. 


Oh hey. I'm in this photo!
Second from the left. Next to the tuba

In case you want to see me, schedules for Saturday and Sunday in Allentown. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday August 1st. Day 76

Rehearsal day today in Allentown. 
It rained a lot this morning. 

My dad and girlfriend came to see me during our laundry block this afternoon. I gave dad my laundry and then we went out to Thai food. It was really good. I loved having real food for once. 

Rain day trumpets. I'm not in this picture. Nor do I know where they found the shopping cart. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday July 31. Day 75

Finally home!!!!!!
We will be staying in Raub Middle School until Sunday night. 

My girlfriend Allie and her sister and mom surprised me after practice today!!! Then they drove to the show in West Chester! It was amazing. I love all of them so much. 

Once again. Crown threw it down tonight. Spectacular show. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday July 30. Day 74



Rocking that glove tan line


There is a dog show hosted here every year. One of those beauty dog show things. A dog came in our warmup circle. It was HILARIOUS. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday July 29. Day 73

3rd to last full rehearsal day. 
11 hours of rehearsal with two food breaks. 

Not much time to post stuff. 

I made a boob cam of our run through.  Email me if you want the link. I might give it to you. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday July 28. Day 72.

Loving the east coast. 

Horn stack this morning!

Saw this truck at their school. Thought it was funny.

5 hour rehearsal block today was long. 

The show was amazing tonight. The best show we have had. The crowd went wild for us. We got a standing ovation at the Crown set at the end.