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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday June 29, day 42!!

Today we are half way through The Crown 2013 season. It is day 42, and there are 42 days until DCI finals. 

Show day today!!! Going up against the blue team tonight!!
We worked on the timing with the percussion and the brass in the closer today. It sounds exponentially better, even from the field! 
We also spent a lot of time on the knee three runs. The balance and dynamics are coming along really well. 

These kids watched our rehearsal for 3 hours. They had a field trip to our rehearsal site just to see us practice.  We gave them a big thank you afterwards. 

Amazing show tonight. Purplepantsband brought in the heat!!!...and beat the Blue Devils. By .3

Humbly accepting our victory.... Andddd back to work!!!

Here is a link from warmup yesterday (we got a lot better at it this morning)

Pics from tonight's warmup!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday June 28. day 41

It was HOT out today. 105 in the shade. On the turf, around 130. It was almost too hot to stand on the turf with shoes on. I pushed through it and kept high spirits. I had a fun day today and we accomplished a lot. 

Oceanside, CA

We are playing an encore tune with Pacific Crest corps tonight. We will have a giant mixed arc. The song is Turn the Beat Around!

Really awesome show tonight! Although scores don't matter, we were the first corps this year to break 80. And we got a 16.2 out of 20  in brass. 

"And with their 2013 show, The Paino Man, Carolina Crown!!!"
Oops. Wrong name Mr. Announcer dude.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday June 27 day 40

Staying at this high school for 5 days. This is day 2 here. 

Morning visual block was great. We got a lot stronger, cleaned a lot of drill. And added some really cool visuals. 

It's 95+ here. 

Andddd that moment when a random lady with a Phantom Regiment shirt comes and brings a TON of delicious catered Mexican food for dinner. 

I'm so tan that my body hair is blonde. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday June 26. Day 39

I'm near San Diego now. Twas a long bus ride last night. 
Big high school. Isn't that mascot copyrighted? 
Mountains from the top of the scaffolding I built this morning. 

I'm at the blue dot right now. Last night I was at the red dot. 

Today we got a lot done. Here are some pictures. 
Their band is practicing

They love us


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday June 25. Day 38 SAN FRANCISCO!


Andddd in the morning we do laundry..

Where's my dot?
I'm the middle point in the 'm'!!!
You'll be able to find me! But... I doubt you'll be able to follow me for long ;)

Okay we arrived at San Francisco by the piers. A group of us made a journey to the Golden Gate Bridge! On the way we stumbled upon the Palace of Fine Arts
Really amazing. Maybe if I find wifi ill upload all of these pictures from today! 

Then the Golden Gate Bridge!
San Francisco is amazing from the water!
You can see Alcatraz from the bridge! 

The we went up to the highest point in San Fran and saw the windy road! I didn't go down it but I took a few pictures from the top!

And then I saw this store and came out with a giant tube of sweet tarts in less than 40 seconds

Another picture from the Stanford show 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday June 24. Day 37

I'm in Madera, CA right now. I liked Stanford better. 

This morning we woke up kinda early and walked 3/4 of a mile to the practice field. 
I tracked the distance on run keeper on the way back. 

We have a 3 hour bus drive to a show tonight. 4th show in a row tonight! BD won't be there. Still a show and I'm hyped!!!

I google mapped the trip from my current location back home.
2890 miles. Hahaha awesome.

This afternoon we traveled to our show. It was a 3 hour drive. 


Pictures from the Stanford show

Another great show tonight. We received complements from Michael Klesch. (Unheard of)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday June 23. Day 36

Sacramento today! It's actually cold outside here! It's great!

Yet another great show tonight! 

This experience is too great to describe.