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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday July 13. Day 56

Today is our first regional! Minneapolis, Minnesota! 
We are rehearsing today in the Metrodome! The home of the Vikings! 
It's a covered stadium so we will be protected from the pouring rain here. Unfortunately for the other corps here in Minneapolis, they will have a rough rehearsal day with the rain. 

Pictures of the dome! 

And here is Mason with his E=mc2 hat! He got it made during our free day in San Fransisco!~

Great show for Crown tonight. First regional of the year! 

Allie sent me this picture. She drove by it at home today and just had to take a picture of it. 

Video from exactly a week ago at the Denver show. It's the brass line warmup in the lot

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday July 12. Day 55

After a great show in Missouri, we left at midnight for Minneapolis, Minnesota. We arrived at 9am. 

What a great day of rehearsal. Band is fun! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday July 11. Day 54

Another day in Missouri!

Today is our first Tour of Champions show! It's the top 7 corps from last years championship. It will be broadcasted live on dcifannetwork! There will be many small groups from all corps walking around playing tunes. At the end we all get on the field and play a beautiful song together. Crown has a small brass group that plays the Can Can. We also have a barbershop quartet called the Creamsicles. 

What an amazing show. This activity is too great for my vocabulary to describe. 

Met this great guy today. This is Karl from the Blue Devils. He plays mellophone. 
My name tag also says Karl. It got flashed out. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday July 10. Day 53

It's hard to divide up the days into even chucks at this point. Especially at 53 days. 

I'm in Missouri! Just outside of Kansas City!

And this beauty was outside of the school

Long day of rehearsal! We got better! 
1 month until dci finals. 1 month to acheive perfection. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday July 9th. Day 52

My data plan renews today! I used 98% of it. Hahahahaha. 

Sioux Falls, South Dakota today. 

We are rehearsing in a big stadium today and we have a clinic this afternoon and a show tonight. 

South Dakota is better than Nebraska. Ill give it that! Nice show tonight!

This afternoon we had a clinic with about 100 band kids! We taught them our marching technique and some of the visuals in the show. Then they warmed up with us in the circle. After that we had to continue with rehearsal so the happy campers watched ensemble for an hour and saw our run through. 

The show was nice tonight. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday July 8th. Day 51

Show day! Omaha, Nebraska! Today is the anniversary of Jim Ott's death. We are performing an encore arranged by Jim Ott with the Blue Devils. 

The show was alright tonight. Still solid. 

Food truck after the show turned into a tight highway

About 20 trucks passed through!! 

Encore tonight with the Blue Devils. 
Naval Hymn 
Arr. Jim Ott
Played by Crown and BD on the anniversary of his death.

"From this day, to the ending of the world,  we in it shall be remembered." 
"We lucky few, we band of brothers!"

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday July 7th. Day 50

After an all nighter bus ride, I've arrived in Omaha, Nebraska this morning at 8:45am. We have a funky schedule today. Breakfast is at noon. Then we have rehearsal. Then it's laundry time!!

Happy birthday Josh Chin!

This is what I saw when I woke up on the bus 

Today we had about 4-5 hours of rehearsal. It was fun! 

Laundry tonight!!!! You know you're in drum corps when you're elated that it is a laundry day. 

This is how I rewarded myself at laundry. There were many shops nearby. 

Pillow fights. Don't mess with the tuba block! 

High brass VS low brass ultimate frisbee in the gym. At first we were playing in the gym with all of the sleeping bags. It was more fun in there. Section shorts required.