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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sunday June 16. Day 29

Edmond, Oklahoma! 

Arrived here at 6am. It was already light out. Now it's time to sleep. Yay!! 

I'm on AM scaffolding. Took a pic of our creation this morning. 

Nice and fun day! We are getting better?

Today was a great day. Some people are from Oklahoma so we had fans following us around in sectionals today. At ensemble a lot of Crown fans come. By the run through, all of the stands were full! 
All stands packed by the run through an hour and a half later!

Today was Father's Day. I arrived at this high school at 6am and called my dad. It was 7am at home and I knew he was awake already. After I called him I went to bed. It was a rather strange situation but it was nice. 
Before ensemble this evening. The brass line set our warmup arc and then came to the center. The volunteer band dads stood in the center. Everyone took out their phones and called their fathers and put them on speakerphone. We sang our brass song "band of brothers". It was beautiful. I love you dad. Thanks for raising me properly and allowing me to come here. You gave me so many opportunities and really appreciate it. 

It's 10:40 at night and the whole corps is flooding Walmart. Hahahahahaha >:3

Found this pic of me from a couple of days ago. This is in the ballad. And yes, I'm prepping to lay on the ground. 

Saturday June 15. Day 28

PStill here in Cabot for the day. We are practicing in the stadium again today. Wearing uniforms for ensemble and the run through tonight! 

Food trucks at dinner 

We wore uniforms tonight and did a show in the stadium. It was spectacular. The new uniforms fit the show really well and we look great in them. Super excited!!!!!! Tomorrow is another day... But we will be in Oklahoma! 

Pics from today!!!!!~

A little bit of afternoon block. 


Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday June 14th. Day 27

Cabot, Arkansas. 
It's 4am. Just arrived. Yay. 

Practicing here while in Cabot for two days!!!

Crown caravan

Nice visual rehearsal this morning! 

The stadium is great to play in. We did a lot of production runs in ensemble. Those are the best because we run giant chunks at a time. 

What a fantastic rehearsal day today. The day at this stadium really helped me become a performer. I wasn't just getting my ass kicked trying to perfect every rep.  In addition to doing that, I was able to imagine my friends and thousands of fans sitting in the stands watching me. It was a great feeling. 

The show is coming together and I'm working harder every single day. It's also becoming more enjoyable:)

After rehearsal writing this in the stands. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday June 13. Day 26

 It's 5am. We arrived at Nashville, TN. 

My job every morning is to get up and hour early and build the scaffolding for rehearsal. So I got up at 8am and walked out there.... Nobody. 

I looked at my phone. 8:15am. I walked inside and the clock on the wall said 7:25am.  My phone didn't recognize the time zone change. UGh

Riding the gator with the scaffoldings

Today was a great day of rehearsal. Very windy and hot and humid. The field was amazing compared to the fields at spring training.. It actually had grass here. Rolling on the ground was a lot less painful and dead grass didn't stick to the sweat all over my body. 

Food is amazing. Enough said. 

The showers were extremely hot. If I could put a thermometer in the water, it would read 213 degrees F. 

I'm on the bus now. I won't be telling many bus stories because what happens on the bus stays on the bus. 


Mellos in the circle. 

Baritones in the circle. 
Excellent balance during the baritone feature. 


Tomorrow and the day after I will be in Cabot Arkansas. We will be practicing in a giant stadium so I'm excited!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday June 12- day 25. Last day of spring training!!!

I guess I missed a number day. It's day 25

Morning block just so happened to be brass this morning. It was really hot. But we fixed a lot of stuff with timing in the opener and the pre show. 

#dripping sweat

All packed up and ready to roll!!!! Next stop, Nashville Tennessee ! Should be there at about 3am. Yay!

Here's a bunch of pictures so I can waste my phone data uploading them. 
Mr LeBoeuf came down and brought Kevin a birthday cake! Happy birthday Kevin!! (Tomorrow)

Last sunset at Gardner Webb!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday June 11th. Day 23

Morning block!

We got a lot done today. We cleaned a lot of choreography and worked on musical phrasing in the closer. The show is coming along. Our rehearsal technique is getting better every day. Very sunny today = lots of tanning. Getting my skin ready for Arizona! Leaving tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Last full day at Gardner Webb university is over. Only two more blocks left in spring training. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday June 10th

Back to work today! 

15 yard wide puddle!! Nooooo!

It happens to be right in my dot! 

We learned a lot of new choreography today that lines up with our music better. It's really cool and has an awesome effect. At one point I'm laying flat on the ground with my face pressed against the dirt. I can't wait for those asphalt fields we rehearse on sometimes. 

Brass block got rained on. A lot. I still feel like we accomplished things. Our rehearsal technique is a lot better. But it still needs to improve. 

We did a full run through tonight. It was amazing. 

Laundry right now. It's taking forever. What a line! Ugh!!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday June 9th. Day 22. Preview show!

This morning we took uniform pictures by the pond. Here it is! The Carolina Crown 2013 uniform!

We were scheduled to have our preview performance for family/fans tonight. And of course, it got rained out. Crown has been cursed with rain. We haven't had an actual preview show since 2010 that hasn't been rained out. Today was fun. I miss everyone at home. At the same time I'm happy I've made so many new friends here.