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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What day is it? 3?

Well I, like everyone else, put sunscreen on whenever I could. Everyone got toasted. Hahahahaha. Making more friends. We can play and march the entire pre show. It's spectacular. Our full volume exercise is also badass. Our brass circle is about 30 yards across. And with the full volume exercise, we triple the circumference of the circle so everyone is really spaced out. Then we play. As loud as possible. It's so loud  you can't even hear your thoughts. But! After that we run back into the original circle and play the exact same thing. It melts skin it's so loud. And by the end of the season, people will be throwing babies at us. 

We learned about 10 sets of the opener. The drill is mad hard. I'm so excited! A challenge!! 

Today it was 11 million degrees outside. And the sun was melting our already fire blasted skin. Yay. I honestly hated it. But then dinner came around and I took a shower and revived my spirits. Full ensemble was after dinner and we played on a nice field that was IN THE SHADE. =) it was really awesome, even though we weren't playing that great. But it's only the third day. Only 80 something days until finals:) 

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