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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 2

Today was a long day. The first full day at spring training. 

We had a 4 hour visual block this morning. For the first hour and a half, we had an intense cardio workout that left all of us crippled. After that we had basics until lunch. Lunch was great until it started raining. 

After lunch we went to the field for brass block. Matt Harloff warmed us up. And of course, we had to do circle drill at 200 during our warmup.  We've got a ways to go. It's hard stuff. After being "lightly" beaten, we split into sectionals and rehearsed the opener. It was great... Until we started tracking the opener. That was tiring. 

Dinner was amazing. We got to sit. I got to socialize with new people and make new friends. Too bad I don't remember their names.. 

After an hour break including dinner, we learned the drill to the pre show!!!! It was so much fun! All 28 pages to the pre show... Hahaha.  immaculata's entire show being 54 pages, crown is ridiculous in comparison. In the pre show I march 6 to 5s backwards at 200. Lol. It's like flutter stepping backwards with giant steps. 

Then it started getting dark. Then it started raining. But then we ended! And the pre show was done. Cool beans. 80 more days to go. 
Waiting in line for dinner. 

Little break during a trumpet sectional. 

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