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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Okay it's day 5

This is for Wednesday. I'm posting it 5 minutes into Thursday because they held our rehearsal longer. 

Well, we all got burned again today. Hahaha. I protected my face and shoulders with an Eskimo style shirt hat combo. But my stomach is a bit red. It'll turn into leather pretty soon. 
Also gettin that drum corps body! Insane amounts of movement every day. It's like running 15 miles every day. The best part about it is that we can chow down on as much food as we want because we burn it off in approximately 57 seconds of the opener drill. 

Holy hell the drill is hard. They instructed us on how to move the horns away from our faces so we don't lose teeth when we get hit. There's this one set where two blocks are running at each other. One forward. And one on a diagonal. Backwards. And the spaces are about 1.5 feet of clearance for each person on the passthroughs. I'm glad there aren't any tubas near me in that. 

We learned about 40 sets of drill today. That puts us at about set 85. And we aren't even done with the opener. 

I'm tired. And burnt. And I have to wake up early again. 

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