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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 7

Today was awesome. We learned a little bit of drill. The weather was perfect. High of 70 and windy. I didn't sweat at all today. The best part of it all was that I had newfound energy and all of my sore muscles decided to no longer hurt. I guess they got used to standing marching (running) for 13 hours a day. 

During the second block, we were putting music to the drill in the opener. After marching at 180 for a good hour, I felt a sharp pain from a muscle in my leg that I didn't know I had. I had to sit out for a while and we called Cora, our physical trainer, over to help me out. She had her assistant show me some stretches to help my hip flexer. After a series of intense leg stretches at all different angles, I was able to walk again. Shortly after I joined everyone again. I was happy when people asked me if I was okay. Such kind people here. I'm learning how to relate to all kinds of people. Day 7 done. Another one is coming tomorrow. And I'm excited. 
Sunset during ensemble tonight. Too bad we were staring into it while we were on the field. 
The moon was 180 degrees from the sunset. 

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