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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sunday June 16. Day 29

Edmond, Oklahoma! 

Arrived here at 6am. It was already light out. Now it's time to sleep. Yay!! 

I'm on AM scaffolding. Took a pic of our creation this morning. 

Nice and fun day! We are getting better?

Today was a great day. Some people are from Oklahoma so we had fans following us around in sectionals today. At ensemble a lot of Crown fans come. By the run through, all of the stands were full! 
All stands packed by the run through an hour and a half later!

Today was Father's Day. I arrived at this high school at 6am and called my dad. It was 7am at home and I knew he was awake already. After I called him I went to bed. It was a rather strange situation but it was nice. 
Before ensemble this evening. The brass line set our warmup arc and then came to the center. The volunteer band dads stood in the center. Everyone took out their phones and called their fathers and put them on speakerphone. We sang our brass song "band of brothers". It was beautiful. I love you dad. Thanks for raising me properly and allowing me to come here. You gave me so many opportunities and really appreciate it. 

It's 10:40 at night and the whole corps is flooding Walmart. Hahahahahaha >:3

Found this pic of me from a couple of days ago. This is in the ballad. And yes, I'm prepping to lay on the ground. 

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