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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday June 19th. Day 32 FIRST SHOW

12 hour bus ride to Mesa, Arizona (just outside of Phoenix). 

We took a pit stop in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

We drove through the entire night. And here are some pictures from when I woke up on the bus. 

Today it is supposed to be 104 degrees here in Phoenix. We will have a short block to chunk through the show before our performance this evening. 

Pics from before breakfast. 
This is a tiny campus of the high school we are at. 

Mountains, heat, clear skies. 

To start the block. Adventures during scaffolding crew! The new trailer hitch did not fit on the tractor. So that was our first delay. Then the road to the field was the longest loop of all time. We drove the tractor down the road, turned into a construction site with giant machines gunning and plowing. The dirt/ gravel road was bumpy and full of holes. Riding on the trailer with the scaffolding pieces was so much fun and yet still dangerous. After we followed the road we found the field! But there was a fence, with a tiny door in it. So we then hauled the fire hot metal scaffolding 200 yards to the field. 

Rehearsal was like walking in a hair dryer. The wind pushed the hot dry air at us. It was so dry and hot that my sweat evaporated off of my body before I noticed it. I felt like we were on mars with the dry dirt mountains in the background. 

On the way to the show. Saw these cacti. Around 25-30 ft tall

My first show was pretty cool. There were about or over 1000 people there to see us. It was 9 pm when we went on. And it was still 98 degrees. We won the show. The Blue Devils were not at this show. I'll be in Banning, California when I wake up! Time to rehearse for Friday's show against the Blue Devils. Bring it.

Pics from the show:
Encore tunes

Singing the corps song. 

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