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Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday June 21. Day 34. First show against the Blue Devils

I arrived in Fresno, California this morning at 5:30am. They said we'd get here at 3am. Stupid Los Angeles traffic. It's 6am now. And I have to wake up at 8:30. Yay drum corps life! 

Rehearsal today was short. But we accomplished a lot. 

Horns this morning 

This school loved us. They were having band camp today and they kept stopping rehearsal to come and watch us. 
(Crowd of kids behind the circle)
Sock tan is increasing...

Time for the show!

Great show tonight. It wasn't a big show but there were still a couple of thousand people there to see us. The show went well. We beat the Blue Devils by 0.15. But we can't get excited yet. We have to work harder now. Time to keep it up!
We lost brass and won visual. 

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