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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday June 20. Day 33

I survived Arizona! Now I'm in California!!!! 
Banning, California. I arrived here at 5:15 am. Time for a little sleep. Here is the days schedule 
California is amazing. The weather was perfect today. I got up this morning to do scaffolding and there were a group of high schoolers watching us unload the equiptment truck. We have some serious fans here already. They must have been really excited for Crown to come to the West Coast for the first time!!!
Mountains in the background
Some people watching us unload. 
Scaffolding this morning. Enjoying the view! 
Pretty awesome place to rehearse!
Random planned picture of me
Fans watching us rehearse during ensemble!! So many!

So tonight we were 20 minutes into ensemble and the sprinklers went on. It was a turf field. They were watering a turf field. WHO WATERS A TURF FIELD!!!! 

On a side note. Today was the day of the scaffolding lunch adventure with the locked gate and the gator that would not start that made us 45 minutes late to brass block. I'd tell the story but my fingers hurt from typing on this phone. Goodnight. California is amazing. Show against the Blue Devils tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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