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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday August 6th. Day 81

Massillon, Ohio!
Someone drew a crown in chalk!

Today was our last scaffolding day! We built it in the morning and thought we were done for the summer. Then the football team came and claimed the field. We had to tear it down and move it to the adjacent field. We knew we were done at that point. But noooo! It was in the way of the pit. So right before ensemble, we picked it up and shimmied it 10 feet back. We got applause after doing that. 

Last grass rehearsal day. Yet today we still had brass rehearsal on an asphalt field. "Karl you and asphalt really don't get along do you?" My friend said that to me today after I fell.. Again. I fell doing a backwards 6 to 5 and landed on my back and my horn. I scraped up my back again. It just finished healing from the last time I scraped it up on an asphalt field. As for my horn. It might be a goner. None of the valves move, all of the slides are jammed and won't move, and I broke off the pinky ring. It's pretty crazy to think that the pinky ring was broken off by my hand ramming into it. I was holding my horn before and after the fall with that hand. And after the fall the ring wasn't there. 

I've fallen twice this season. Both times on asphalt fields. Rehearsal during finals week is on an asphalt field at Avon. Lets hope I keep this record at just two falls:)

Last grass ensemble rehearsal of the 2013 Carolina Crown season. (The grass was VErY thick. I'm happy.)

Amazing show tonight. I have no words to express it. 

1 comment:

  1. Karl, thank you for taking the time to keep us informed with your tour with carolina crown. It's been great to follow and I hope you all the best the weekend in Indy!
