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Saturday, August 10, 2013

DCI Finals. Saturday August 10th. Day 85

What a day. So many things happened. But in the end. We won.
That's me on the right.

I couldn't bring myself to write about this day. It is almost a month later when I am writing about it. I forgot a lot of specific things about it. But I do remember being in the warmup lot and having Matt say "Do you hear that?"
"That's the sound of being the last ones to perform on finals night. Cherish this moment for the rest of your lives." 

And then we performed for the last time of the season. 
And then we won. 

...And then we performed again. 

First perfect brass score on finals night in DCI history. 
Best visual proficiency. 
Best general effect. 

I did my part:) I play brass while marching and I contribute to the overall general effect. 

Best brass line in history!

..until next year. #Crown2014

Thank you staff.
Thank you volunteers.
Thank you parents.
Thank you educators.
Thank you fans.
Impossible you say?
Without you, none of this would be possible.

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