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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 1 - A new experience

This post is for May 18th. 

Reflecting on my day

When I arrived at Charlotte airport, there was only 1 kid there waiting. And we had the same duffle bag! Oh man tour is going to be hectic with everyone having the same stuff. 
When the shuttle came, there were 6 of us waiting. We all got in and started the hour and 15 minute drive to our spring training facility, Gardner Webb university. This crazy and awesome young adult crown alumni from Washington state was our driver. He took us to Wendy's :) 

At about 4:30 we got to GWU. Too bad the weather is rainy for the next few days. The campus is nice and open. Perfect for a loud brass line to echo ;)  Getting there at the same time and from the same shuttle, my room mate, Phillip, and I found our room and started unpacking. I soon learned that Phillip needs the room reallyyy cold :( ahh whatever. In a few years ill be in control. 

We missed the first block (visual). And right when we finished unpacking and changing, second block was about to start. It was the playing block:) it lasted until 10:30. We warmed up for an hour in a circle outside. It was awesome.. until Matt Harloff started us doing circle drill. It was a nice taste of the torture and pain Spring Training has prepared for us. 

After warmups we made a full volume exercise and spread the circle until it was 100 yards across. Then we played it. It was pretty awesome. Nice and loud. I can't imagine what it will be like in August. 

Once again we rehearsed the pre show and the opener. Two killer pieces. The opener is impossibly challenging and it's astounding that we are pulling it off. But as our brass head, Matt Harloff, kept saying, "It doesn't count unless it's on the move!"      ...a very scary thought. Considering we were all struggling to play the warmup slurs in circle drill. 

As long as we keep fighting and don't enter "survival mode", we will be in great shape. 

It'll take everything we've got to beat last years Crown horn line. And we need to start off strong, right out of the gate. Because we are going to the West Coast. Home of the Blue Devils. 

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