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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday July 7th. Day 50

After an all nighter bus ride, I've arrived in Omaha, Nebraska this morning at 8:45am. We have a funky schedule today. Breakfast is at noon. Then we have rehearsal. Then it's laundry time!!

Happy birthday Josh Chin!

This is what I saw when I woke up on the bus 

Today we had about 4-5 hours of rehearsal. It was fun! 

Laundry tonight!!!! You know you're in drum corps when you're elated that it is a laundry day. 

This is how I rewarded myself at laundry. There were many shops nearby. 

Pillow fights. Don't mess with the tuba block! 

High brass VS low brass ultimate frisbee in the gym. At first we were playing in the gym with all of the sleeping bags. It was more fun in there. Section shorts required. 

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