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Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday July 15. Day 58

I'm in Illinois today. Right on the southern border and close to St. Louis. We have a show in Lebanon, IL tonight. 

Okay I'm sure there must be some personal background history that has to go with this mascot. But in reality, it's hilarious. 

The 5 hour block was really terrible to live through. It was really humid and hot. All of my sunscreen dripped off of my skin by the end of the first hour. The entire time I was literally dripping with sweat. We only had breakfast this morning and then the 5 hour block happened. The run through was exhausting. Have you ever been driving and then sort of snap back into reality and not remember that you were driving for a few minutes? During the run through I could have been run over by 8 trucks and I wouldn't have known it afterwards. Oh wait. I did get run over by 8 trucks. Because that's how hard the run through was. Hah. 

We got better today. 

Fantastic show tonight. The announcer only had 1 job, and he failed. He pronounced all three of our drum majors' names wrongs. And after the show, he pronounced our director's name wrong. That's 0-4! Impossible you say? I think not. 

Crown is great and all. But those flights take a toll on us. 
And that's what I have to say to that. 

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